Case Study

HENNGE delivers secure VPN-less access, powered by ngrok

Years saved
on developing performance and reliability
Zero servers
deployed and maintained with network as a service
100% automated trials, tenant provisioning, and management with ngrok API

HENNGE, a developer of identity and access management solutions, wanted to augment its cloud-centric HENNGE One suite with capabilities for customers using on-premise and remote systems. The Japan-based company has achieved that goal with a new product, HENNGE Connect, which uses ngrok tunneling tools for stable and secure connectivity between HENNGE and legacy customer systems.

ngrok provides stability for HENNGE customers to securely access to their on-premise and remote systems as an integral part of our HENNGE One platform. With ngrok, we can eliminate the need for problematic VPN systems and deliver a superior customer experience.

Ted Chou
Product Manager, HENNGE

Rapid development accelerates product delivery

In building HENNGE Connect, HENNGE engineers found that customizing open source code to create secure tunneling paths didn’t deliver the speed, reliability, and scalability the company and its customers needed. Development could have taken well over a year, with no assurance of mission-critical dependability.

HENNGE turned to ngrok, which a HENNGE developer was using in an unrelated use case. Ngrok’s ease of use cut out months of manual development work, speeding time to market and meeting customer demand for secure access to on-premise and remote systems that grew during the Covid pandemic.

“We tried building prototypes that were slow and unstable,” says Ted Chou, Product Manager at HENNGE. “We found ngrok to be simple and reliable, with robust features like SAML 2.0 support that allows connection to the HENNGE Access Control module of our platform.”

Reusable configurations and an innovative partnership

With ngrok APIs, HENNGE is automating configurations and integrations when a new customer starts a subscription or a trial. That proven reusability enhances customer experiences, provides access granular controls, and saves many hours of manual configurations that HENNGE developers can devote to higher value initiatives.

With positive feedback from customers and partners, HENNGE has embedded ngrok into its software as an OEM partner, strengthening scalability across the business. Chou says that HENNGE looks forward to further innovating with ngrok in a robust partnership that benefits the company and users of its identity and access management solutions.

Key Results

Accelerated new product time to market
Cut months from development cycles
Enhanced stability and customer experiences
Avoided problematic VPN connections
Delivering innovations in OEM partnership with ngrok

We were able to set up ngrok in a fraction of the time needed with alternative approaches. Ngrok’s performance and ease of use have been outstanding, allowing our developers to focus on HENNGE Connect product enhancements instead of worrying about infrastructure.

Seisho Jo
Product Marketing Manager, HENNGE

Try ngrok for your
application or API